Package 'hhh4addon'

Title: Extensions to endemic-epidemic timeseries modeling from package surveillance
Description: Extending surveillance::hhh4 to allow for distributed lags, solutions for longterm prediction and (periodically) stationary moments.
Authors: Johannes Bracher [aut, cre], Maria Bekker-Nielsen Dunbar [ctb], the authors and contributors of the surveillance package, [ctb] (substantial parts of the package consist of modified code from the surveillance package), R Core Team [ctb] (a few code segments are modified versions of code from base R)
Maintainer: Johannes Bracher <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Built: 2024-12-07 05:55:27 UTC

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Aggregation of stationary or predictive moments


Aggregation of stationary or predictive moments as calculated using stationary_moments or predictive_moments.


aggregate_moments(momentsObj, aggregation_matrix, by_timepoint = FALSE)



an object of class moments_hhh4 containing stationary or predictive moments, as returned by stationary_moments or predictive_moments


an aggregation matrix with either momentsObj$n_units columns (for aggregation across units while keeping the temporal structure; set option by_timepoint = TRUE in this case) or length(momentsObj$mu_vector) (for aggregation that does not preserve the temporal structure; set option by_timepoint = FALSE).


logical: is aggregation only across units while preserving the temporal structure? Note that the new moments_hhh4 object cannot have the condition , mu_matrix, var_matrix and cov_array elements if the temporal structure is given up.


An object of class moments_hhh4 representing the new prediction.


# load data:

# fit a bivariate model:
controlBL <- list(end = list(f = addSeason2formula(~ -1 + fe(1, unitSpecific = TRUE))),
                  ar = list(f = ~ -1 + fe(1, unitSpecific = TRUE)),
                  ne = list(f = ~ -1 + fe(1, unitSpecific = TRUE)),
                  family = "NegBinM", subset = 2:260) # not a very parsimonious parametrization, but feasible
fitBL <- hhh4(noroBL, control = controlBL)
pred_mom <- predictive_moments(fitBL, t_condition = 260, lgt = 52, return_Sigma = TRUE)
# Sigma is required in order to aggregate predictions.

# plot predictions for two regions:
par(mfrow = 1:2)
fanplot_prediction(pred_mom, unit = 1, main = "Bremen")
fanplot_prediction(pred_mom, unit = 2, main = "Lower Saxony")

# aggregation 1: combine the two regions
aggr_matr_pool <- matrix(1, ncol = 2)
# specify by_timepoint = TRUE to keep the temporal structure and aggregate only
# counts from the same week:
pred_mom_pooled <- aggregate_moments(pred_mom, aggr_matr_pool, by_timepoint = TRUE)
fanplot_prediction(pred_mom_pooled, unit = 1, ylim = c(0, 500), main = "Aggregation over regions")

# aggregation 2: total burden in the two regions
aggr_matr_total_burden <- matrix(rep(c(1, 0, 0, 1), 52), nrow = 2,
                                 dimnames = list(c("Bremen", "Lower Saxony"),
pred_mom_total_burden <- aggregate_moments(pred_mom, aggr_matr_total_burden)
plot_moments_by_unit(pred_mom_total_burden, main = "Total burdens")

# works also with stationary moments:
stat_mom <- stationary_moments(fitBL, return_Sigma = TRUE)
stat_mom_pooled <- aggregate_moments(stat_mom, aggr_matr_pool, by_timepoint = TRUE)
stat_mom_total_burden <- aggregate_moments(stat_mom, aggr_matr_total_burden, by_timepoint = FALSE)
plot_moments_by_unit(stat_mom_total_burden, main = "Total burdens")

Function to obtain AR2 weights This function generates AR2 weights which are subsequently used inside of get_weighted_lags. To be passed to hhh4_lag or profile_par_lag as the control$funct_lag argument.


Function to obtain AR2 weights This function generates AR2 weights which are subsequently used inside of get_weighted_lags. To be passed to hhh4_lag or profile_par_lag as the control$funct_lag argument.


ar2_lag(par_lag, min_lag, max_lag)



a parameter to steer the lag structure, here logit(p)logit(p) where pp is the weight of the first lag; see details of hhh4lag or profile_par_lag.


smallest lag to include; the support of the Poisson form starts only at min_lag. Defaults to 1.


highest lag to include; higher lags are cut off and he remaining weights standardized. Defaults to 5.

confidence intervals for one-step-ahead predictions


confidence intervals for one-step-ahead predictions


## S3 method for class 'oneStepAhead'
confint(object, parm, level = 0.95, ...)

A wrapper around decompose.hhh4lag and surveillance::decompose.hhh4


A wrapper around decompose.hhh4lag and surveillance::decompose.hhh4 to handle ordinary hhh4 objects and objects of the new hhh4lag class.


decompose.hhh4(x, coefs = x$coefficients, ...)

A modified version of decompose.hhh4


A modified version of decompose.hhh4 to deal with the added features of the hhh4lag class.


## S3 method for class 'hhh4lag'
decompose(x, coefs = x$coefficients, ...)

Data set on dengue in San Juan, Puerto Rico


Case counts of dengue in San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1990-2013; stored as an sts object


Johannes Bracher


Counts retrieved from the supplement of Ray et al (2017): Infectious disease prediction with kernel conditional density estimation, Statistics in Medicine 36(30):4908-4929. These data originally stem from a forecasting competition organized by the US federal government:

Display the function and parameters used for distributed lags


Display the function and parameters used for distributed lags





an object of class hhh4


A list containing the function and parameters characterizing the lag weights (for both the ar and ne components)


## convert old "disProg" to new "sts" data class
salmonella <- disProg2sts(salmonella.agona)
# specify and fit model: fixed geometric lag structure
# with weight 0.8 for first lag
control_salmonella <- list(end = list(f = addSeason2formula(~ 1)),
                           ar = list(f = addSeason2formula(~ 1),
                           par_lag = 0.8),
                           family = "NegBinM", subset = 6:312)
fit_salmonella <- hhh4_lag(salmonella, control_salmonella)

Calculate Dawid-Sebastiani score


Calculate Dawid-Sebastiani score for a prediction returned by predictive_moments.


ds_score_hhh4(pred, detailed = FALSE, scaled = TRUE)



the prediction as returned by longterm_prediction_hhh4 (and potentially aggregated using aggregate_prediction)


detailed or less detailed output?


if detailed == FALSE: scale DSS with 2d?


The Dawid-Sebastiani score is defined as

DSS=log(Σ)+t(Yobsμ)Σ1(Yobsμ)DSS = log(|\Sigma|) + t(Y_obs - \mu) \Sigma^{-1} (Y_obs - \mu)

where μ\mu and Σ\Sigma are the predictive mean and variance, repectively. Y_obs represents the observation that has materialized.


If detailed == FALSE: the (potentially scaled) Dawid-Sebastiani score. If detailed == TRUE: a vector containing the following elements:

  • dawid_sebastiani the un-scaled Dawid-Sebastiani score

  • term1 value of the log-determinant entering into the unn-scaled Dawid-Sebastiani score

  • term2 value of the quadratic form entering into the un-scaled Dawid-Sebastiani score

  • scaled_dawid_sebastiani the scaled Dawid-Sebastiani score

  • determinant_sharpness the determinant sharpness (scaled version of term1)


## a simple univariate example:
## convert old "disProg" to new "sts" data class
salmonella <- disProg2sts(salmonella.agona)
# specify and fit model: fixed geometric lag structure
# with weight 0.8 for first lag
control_salmonella <- list(end = list(f = addSeason2formula(~ 1)),
                           ar = list(f = addSeason2formula(~ 1),
                                     par_lag = 0.8, use_distr_lag = TRUE),
                           family = "NegBinM", subset = 6:312)
fit_salmonella <- hhh4_lag(salmonella, control_salmonella)
pred_salmonella <- predictive_moments(fit_salmonella, t_condition = 260,
                                      52, return_Sigma = TRUE)
ds_score_hhh4(pred_salmonella, detailed = TRUE)

Display prediction as a fan plot


Plots a fanplot to display quantiles of (negative binomial approximations) of the week-wise predictive distributions


  unit = 1,
  probs = 1:99/100,
  interpolate_probs = TRUE,
  add_observed = TRUE,
  add_pred_means = TRUE,
  fan.col = colorRampPalette(c("darkgreen", "gray90")),
  pt.col = "red",
  pt.cex = 0.6,
  l.col = "black",
  mean_col = "black",
  mean_lty = "dashed",
  ln = NULL,
  rlab = NULL,
  add = FALSE,
  add_legend = FALSE,
  width_legend = 0.1 * (max(pred$timepoints) - min(pred$timepoints))/pred$freq,
  probs_legend = c(1, 25, 50, 75, 99)/100,
  ylim = NULL,
  xlab = "t",
  ylab = "No. infected",
  return_matrix = FALSE,



the prediction as returned by longterm_prediction_hhh4 (and potentially aggregated using aggregate_prediction)


numeric denoting the unit to display


vector of probabilities: which quantiles shall be displayed in the fan plot?


logical: smooth curves by simple interpolation of quantiles


logical: shall observed values be added?

fan.col, ln, rlab

graphical parameters passed on to fanplot::fan

pt.col, pt.cex, l.col

graphical parameters for display of observed values


logical: add to existing plot?


logical: shall a color key legend be added?


width of box for color key legend in user coordinates


vecor of probabilities to display in the legend


limit for the y-axis, passed to plot()

xlab, ylab

axis labels


logical: return matrix passed to fanplot::fan; useful to make more sophisticated plots.


other arguments passed on to plot()


Only if return_matrix set to TRUE: the matrix passed to fanplot::fan


# convert old "disProg" to new "sts" data class:
salmonella <- disProg2sts(salmonella.agona)
control_salmonella <- list(end = list(f = addSeason2formula(~ 1), lag = 1),
                           ar = list(f = addSeason2formula(~ 1), lag = 1),
                           family = "NegBinM", subset = 6:250)
fit_salmonella <- hhh4_lag(salmonella, control_salmonella) # fit model
# obtain prediction:
pred_mom <- predictive_moments(fit_salmonella, t_condition = 250, lgt = 52)
# plot the prediction only:
fanplot_prediction(pred_mom, add_legend = TRUE)
# or plot it along with the fit:
fanplot_prediction(pred_mom, add = TRUE) # add fan plot

Display stationary distribution as a fanplot


Plots a fanplot to display quantiles of (negative binomial approximations) of the week-wise stationary distributions


  unit = 1,
  probs = 1:99/100,
  interpolate_probs = TRUE,
  add_pred_means = TRUE,
  fan.col = colorRampPalette(c("darkgreen", "gray90")),
  pt.col = "red",
  pt.cex = 0.3,
  l.col = "black",
  mean_col = "black",
  mean_lty = "dashed",
  ln = NULL,
  ln.col = "red",
  rlab = NULL,
  style = "fan",
  add = FALSE,
  timepoints = 1:nrow(stat_mom$mu_matrix)/stat_mom$freq,
  add_legend = FALSE,
  width_legend = 0.1 * (max(timepoints) - min(timepoints)),
  probs_legend = c(1, 25, 50, 75, 99)/100,
  hlines = NULL,
  vlines = NULL,
  ylim = NULL,
  xlab = "t",
  ylab = "No. infected",
  return_matrix = FALSE,



the stationary moments as returned by stationary_moments_hhh4 (and potentially aggregated using aggregate_prediction)


numeric denoting the unit to display


vector of probabilities: which quantiles shall be displayed in the fan plot?


logical: smooth curves by simple interpolation of quantiles


logical: add line showing the the predictive means

fan.col, ln, ln.col, rlab, style

graphical parameters passed on to fanplot::fan

pt.col, pt.cex, l.col

graphical parameters for display of observed values


logical: add to existing plot?


vector giving the x-coordinates for the fanplot (generates start and frequency for fanplot::fan)


logical: shall a color key legend be added?


width of box for color key legend in user coordinates


vecor of probabilities to display in the legend

hlines, vlines

coordinates for horizontal and vertical grid lines


limit for the y-axis, passed to plot()

xlab, ylab

axis labels


logical: return matrix passed to fanplot::fan; useful to make more sophisticated plots.


other arguments passed on to plot()

means_col, mean_lty

graphical parameters for display of predictive means


Only if return_matrix set to TRUE: the matrix passed to fanplot::fan


## convert old "disProg" to new "sts" data class
salmonella <- disProg2sts(salmonella.agona)
# specify and fit model
control_salmonella <- list(end = list(f = addSeason2formula(~ 1), lag = 1),
                           ar = list(f = addSeason2formula(~ 1), lag = 1),
                           family = "NegBinM")
fit_salmonella <- hhh4(salmonella, control_salmonella)
# obtain periodically stationary moments:
stat_mom <- stationary_moments(fit_salmonella)
# plot periodically stationary means:
fanplot_stationary(stat_mom, add_legend = TRUE)
# add paths of the six seasons in the data set:
for(i in 0:5){
 lines(1:52/52, salmonella@observed[(i*52 + 1):((i + 1)*52)], col = "blue")
legend("topleft", col = "blue", lty = 1, legend = "observed seasons")

Estimating the lag decay parameter of an hhh4_lag model using profile likelihood


Wrapper around hhh4_lag to allow for profile likelihood estimation of the scalar parameter governing the lag structure. hhh4_lag can fit models with fixed lag decay parameter; fit_par_lag loops around it and tries a set of possible parameters provided in the argument range_par. NOTE: this will soon be replaced by profile_par_lag which does the same, but using optim..., method = "Brent", ...).


  check.analyticals = FALSE,
  use_update = TRUE



a vector of values to try for the par_lag argument of funct_lag


should results from previous values in range_par be used as starting value for next iteration (via update)?


In this modified version of surveillance::hhh4, distributed lags can be specified by additional elements control argument:

  • funct_lag Function to compute the lag weights uqu_q (see details) depending on a scalar parameter par_lag. The function has to take the following arguments:

    • par_lag A scalar parameter to steer uqu_q. It should be specified in a way which allows it to take any value in the real numbers

    • min_lag,max_lag Minimum and maximum lags; e.g. min_lag = 3, max_lag = 6 will assign all weights to lags 3 through 6. Usually min_lag is set to 1, higher values can be useful for direct forecasting at higher horizons. max_lag defaults to 5, which is often reasonable for weekly data, but should likely be increased when using daily data.

  • min_lag, max_lag Specification of the arguments passed to funct_lag to compute the distributed lags. Unlike in hhh4_lag, par_lag is not to be specified as it is estimated from the data. Important: the first element of the subset argument in control needs to be larger than max_lag (as for the first max_lag observations the fitted values canot be computed)

Unlike in hhh4_lag the par_lag argument for funct_lag is not specified directly by the user; instead the model is re-fit for each parameter value provided in range_par.

#' @paramstsObj,control,check.analyticals As in surveillance::hhh4, but control allows for some additional elements in order to specify a distributed lag structure:

  • funct_lag Function to compute the lag weights uqu_q (see details) depending on a scalar parameter par_lag. The function has to take the following arguments:

    • par_lag A scalar parameter to steer uqu_q. It should be specified in a way which allows it to take any value in the real numbers

    • min_lag,max_lag Minimum and maximum lags; e.g. min_lag = 3, max_lag = 6 will assign all weights to lags 3 through 6. Usually min_lag is set to 1, higher values can be useful for direct forecasting at higher horizons.

  • min_lag, max_lag Specification of the arguments passed to funct_lag to compute the distributed lags. Unlike in hhh4_lag, par_lag is not to be specified as it is estimated from the data.


A list including the best model among all fitted ones (best_mod) and a vector of the AIC values obtained for the different values provided in range_par (AICs)

See Also

hhh4_lag for fitting models with fixed par_lag; profile_par_lag for optimization using optim rather than avector range_par of potential values.


## a simple univariate example:
## convert old "disProg" to new "sts" data class
salmonella <- disProg2sts(salmonella.agona)
# specify and fit model: fixed geometric lag structure
control_salmonella <- list(end = list(f = addSeason2formula(~ 1)),
                           ar = list(f = addSeason2formula(~ 1)),
                           family = "NegBinM", subset = 6:312)
# get a reasonable range of values for par_lag. par_lag is logit(p) in teh
# geometric lag function
grid_p <- seq(from = 0.01, to = 0.99, by = 0.02)
grid_par_lag <- log(grid_p/(1 - grid_p))
fit_salmonella <- fit_par_lag(salmonella, control_salmonella, range_par = grid_par_lag)
plot(fit_salmonella$AICs, xlab = "p", ylab = "AIC")
# 0.56 on first lag
# re-fit with Poisson lags:
control_salmonella2 <- control_salmonella
control_salmonella2$funct_lag = poisson_lag
grid_p2 <- seq(from = 0.01, to = 2, by = 0.02)
grid_par_lag2 <- log(grid_p2)
fit_salmonella2 <- fit_par_lag(salmonella, control_salmonella2, range_par = grid_par_lag2)
# leads to somewhat different decay and very slightly better AIC

A modified version of fixef.hhh4


A modified version of fixef.hhh4


## S3 method for class 'hhh4lag'
fixef(object, ...)

Function to obtain geometric weights This function generates geometric weights which are subsequently used inside of get_weighted_lags. To be passed to hhh4_lag or profile_par_lag as the control$funct_lag argument.


Function to obtain geometric weights This function generates geometric weights which are subsequently used inside of get_weighted_lags. To be passed to hhh4_lag or profile_par_lag as the control$funct_lag argument.


geometric_lag(par_lag, min_lag, max_lag)



a parameter to steer the lag structure, here logit(p)logit(p) where pp is the parameter of the geometric distribution characterizing the lag structure; see details of hhh4lag or profile_par_lag.


smallest lag to include; the support of the Poisson form starts only at min_lag. Defaults to 1.


highest lag to include; higher lags are cut off and he remaining weights standardized. Defaults to 5.

Get diagnoal elements of all slices of an array


Extracts diagonals of all slices of an array (i.e. of arr[,,1], arr[,,2], ... and stacks them in one vector.)





An array.

Transform matrix of first-order lagged observations to matrix of weighted sums of past observation


This function modifies the design matrices from first-order lags to weighted lags with weighted structure. Used within weightedSumNE and weightedSumAR.


get_weighted_lags(lag1, lag_weights, sum_up = FALSE)



a matrix of first lags as usually used in hhh4.


sum_up = FALSE returns a more detailed output; for debugging only.


a vector of weights; the length of this vector determines the number of lags.

Fitting hhh4 models with distributed lags


A modified version of surveillance::hhh4 to allow for distributed lags. Usually used from inside of the wrappers profile_par_lag or fit_par_lag.


  control = list(ar = list(f = ~-1, offset = 1, lag = NA), ne = list(f = ~-1, offset = 1,
    lag = NA, weights = neighbourhood(stsObj) == 1, scale = NULL, normalize = FALSE), end
    = list(f = ~1, offset = 1), family = c("Poisson", "NegBin1", "NegBinM"), funct_lag =
    geometric_lag, par_lag = 1, min_lag = 1, max_lag = 5, subset = 6:nrow(stsObj),
    optimizer = list(stop = list(tol = 1e-05, niter = 100), regression = list(method =
    "nlminb"), variance = list(method = "nlminb")), verbose = FALSE, start = list(fixed =
     random = NULL, sd.corr = NULL), data = list(t = stsObj@epoch -
    min(stsObj@epoch)), keep.terms = FALSE),
  check.analyticals = FALSE


stsObj, control, check.analyticals

As in surveillance::hhh4, but with the following additional elements in the control argument in order to specify a distributed lag structure:

  • funct_lag Function to compute the lag weights uqu_q (see details) depending on a scalar parameter par_lag. The function has to take the following arguments:

    • par_lag A scalar parameter to steer uqu_q. It should be specified in a way which allows it to take any value in the real numbers

    • min_lag,max_lag Minimum and maximum lags; e.g. min_lag = 3, max_lag = 6 will assign all weights to lags 3 through 6. Usually min_lag is set to 1, higher values can be useful for direct forecasting at higher horizons.

  • par_lag, min_lag, max_lag Specification of the arguments passed to funct_lag to compute the distributed lags. Important: the first element of the subset argument in control needs to be larger than max_lag (as for the first max_lag observations the fitted values canot be computed)

hhh4_lag requires par_lag to be pre-specified (with a default of 1). Using the wrappers profile_par_lag and fit_par_lag it can also be estimated using a profile likelihood approach.


The standard hhh4 function only allows for models with first lags i.e. of the form

muit=λitXi,t1+ϕitj!=iwjiXj,t1+νit,mu_{it} = \lambda_{it}X_{i, t - 1} + \phi_{it}\sum_{j != i}w_{ji}X_{j, t - 1} + \nu_{it},

see ?hhh4. The extension hhh4_lag allows to specify models of the form

muit=λitq=1QuqXi,tq+ϕitjisumq=1QwjiuqXj,tq+νit.mu_{it} = \lambda_{it}\sum_{q= 1}^Q u_q X_{i, t - q} + \phi_{it}\sum_{j\neq i}sum_{q= 1}^Q w_{ji}u_q X_{j, t - q} + \nu_{it}.

Here the first lags are now replaced by weighted sums of the Q previous observations. The weights u_q, q = 1, ..., Q sum up to 1 and need to be parametrizable by a single scalar parameter. The value of this parameter needs to be passed as control$par_lag. Moreover, a function to obtain a vector of weights from par_lag needs to be provided in control$funct_lag. Currently four such functions are implemented in the package:

  • Geometric lags (function geometric_lag; the default). These are specified as

    u0q=α(1α)q1u0_q = \alpha * (1 - \alpha)^{q - 1}

    and uq=u0q/sumq=1Qu0qu_q = u0_q / sum_{q = 1}^Q u0_q for q=1,...,Qq = 1, ..., Q. The par_lag parameter corresponds to logit(α\alpha), i.e. the un-normalized weight of the first lag.

  • Poisson lags (function poisson_lag). These are specified as

    u0q=α(q1)exp(α)/(q1)!,u0_q = \alpha^(q - 1)\exp(-\alpha)/(q - 1)!,

    and uq=u0q/sumq=1Qu0qu_q = u0_q / sum_{q = 1}^Q u0_q for q=1,...,Qq = 1, ..., Q. Note that he Poisson distribution is shifted by one to achieve a positive support. The par_lag parameter corresponds to log(α\alpha).

  • Linearly decaying weights (in function linear_lag). These are specified as

    u0q=max(1mq,0)u0_q = max(1 - mq, 0)

    and uq=u0q/sumq=1Qu0qu_q = u0_q / sum_{q = 1}^Q u0_q for q=1,...,Qq = 1, ..., Q. The par_lag parameter corresponds to logit(mm).

  • A weighting only between first and second lags (in function ar2lag), i.e.

    u1=α,u2=1α.u_1 = \alpha, u_2 = 1 - \alpha.

    The par_lag parameter corresponds to logit(α\alpha).

Users can specify their own weighting functions as long as they take the arguments described above and return a vector of weights.

See Also

profile_par_lag and fit_par_lag estimate par_lag in a profiling procedure. profile_par_lag is the recommended function, fit_par_lag may be quicker for complex models.


## a simple univariate example:
## convert old "disProg" to new "sts" data class
salmonella <- disProg2sts(salmonella.agona)
# specify and fit model: fixed geometric lag structure
# with weight 0.8 for first lag
# par_lag is the logit of alpha:
par_lag <- log(0.8/(1 - 0.8))
control_salmonella <- list(end = list(f = addSeason2formula(~ 1)),
                           ar = list(f = addSeason2formula(~ 1)),
                           family = "NegBinM", subset = 6:312,
                           par_lag = par_lag)
fit_salmonella <- hhh4_lag(salmonella, control_salmonella)
# has indeed weight 0.8 on first lag
# re-fit with Poisson lags:
par_lag2 <- log(1.2)
control_salmonella2 <- control_salmonella
control_salmonella2$funct_lag = poisson_lag
control_salmonella2$par_lag <- par_lag2
fit_salmonella2 <- hhh4_lag(salmonella, control_salmonella2)
# the Poisson lag actually allows you to put more weight on
# the second than on the first lag.

Interpolate between quantiles to avoid edgy display


An auxiliary function used in fanplot_prediction, fanplot_stationary


interpolate_qnbinom(p, ...)



A vector of probabilities for which to obtain interpolated quantiles


other arguments passed on to pnbinom

Determine whether an hhh4 object was fitted using one of the more complex techniques for handling neighbourhoods


Determine whether an hhh4 object was fitted using one of the more complex techniques for handling neighbourhoods





an hhh4 object

Check if the par_lag parameter was fitted


Check if the par_lag parameter was fitted



Extracting Lambda_Tilde from an hhh4 object with complex neighbourhood structure


A wrapper around lambda_tilde_complex_neighbourhood and lambda_tilde_simple_neighbourhood.


lambda_tilde(hhh4Obj, subset = NULL, periodic = FALSE)



a hhh4 object for which to extract Lambda_tilde


a subset (in time); only required when periodic == FALSE


choose subset to correspond to one full cycle

Extracting Lambda_Tilde from an hhh4 object with complex neighbourhood structure


Extracting Lambda_Tilde from an hhh4 object with complex neighbourhood structure. Used for calculations of longterm predictions and stationary distributions.


lambda_tilde_complex_neighbourhood(hhh4Obj, subset = NULL, periodic = FALSE)



a hhh4 object for which to extract Lambda_tilde


a subset (in time); only required when periodic == FALSE


choose subset to correspond to one full cycle

Function to obtain linearly decaying weights


This function generates linearly decaying weights which are subsequently used inside of get_weighted_lags. To be passed to hhh4_lag or profile_par_lag as the control$funct_lag argument. There are different ways of specifying linearly decaying weights, the version implemented here is

u0q=max(1mq,0)u0_q = max(1 - mq, 0)

and uq=u0q/sumq=1Qu0qu_q = u0_q / sum_{q = 1}^Q u0_q for q=1,...,Qq = 1, ..., Q.


linear_lag(par_lag, min_lag, max_lag)



a parameter to steer the lag structure, here logit(m)logit(m) where mm is the linear decay factor; see details of hhh4lag or profile_par_lag.


smallest lag to include; the support of the Poisson form starts only at min_lag. Defaults to 1.


highest lag to include; higher lags are cut off and he remaining weights standardized. Defaults to 5.

#' This function generates (shifted) discrete gamma weights which are subsequently used inside of get_weighted_lags. To be passed #' to hhh4_lag or profile_par_lag as the control$funct_lag argument. #' @param par_lag a parameter vector of length 2 to steer the lag structure, here log(shape)log(shape) and log(rate)log(rate), #' where shapeshape and raterate are the parameters of the discrete gamma distribution as implemented in the extraDistr package. #' @param min_lag smallest lag to include; the support of the Poisson form starts only at min_lag. Defaults to 1. #' @param max_lag highest lag to include; higher lags are cut off and he remaining weights standardized. Defaults to 5. #' @author Maria Dunbar, Johannes Bracher #' @export This function generates discretized log-normal weights which are subsequently used inside of get_weighted_lags. To be passed to hhh4_lag or profile_par_lag as the control$funct_lag argument.


#' This function generates (shifted) discrete gamma weights which are subsequently used inside of get_weighted_lags. To be passed #' to hhh4_lag or profile_par_lag as the control$funct_lag argument. #' @param par_lag a parameter vector of length 2 to steer the lag structure, here log(shape)log(shape) and log(rate)log(rate), #' where shapeshape and raterate are the parameters of the discrete gamma distribution as implemented in the extraDistr package. #' @param min_lag smallest lag to include; the support of the Poisson form starts only at min_lag. Defaults to 1. #' @param max_lag highest lag to include; higher lags are cut off and he remaining weights standardized. Defaults to 5. #' @author Maria Dunbar, Johannes Bracher #' @export This function generates discretized log-normal weights which are subsequently used inside of get_weighted_lags. To be passed to hhh4_lag or profile_par_lag as the control$funct_lag argument.


log_normal_lag(par_lag, min_lag, max_lag)



a parameter vector of length 2 to steer the lag structure, here meanlogmeanlog and log(sdlog)log(sdlog), where meanlogmeanlog and sdlogsdlog are the parameters of the log-normal distribution.


smallest lag to include; the support of the Poisson form starts only at min_lag. Defaults to 1.


highest lag to include; higher lags are cut off and he remaining weights standardized. Defaults to 5.


Maria Dunbar, Johannes Bracher

A modified version of logLik.hhh4


A modified version of terms.hhh4 to deal with the added features of the logLik.hhh4 class.


## S3 method for class 'hhh4lag'
logLik(object, ...)

Check whether the rows of a matrix show a cyclic pattern


Needed to determine whether stationary_moments is applicable (works only for models with periodic parameter structure)


matrix_is_cyclic(matr, length_of_period)



The parameter matrix to check.


Usually 52 (52 weeks per year).


logical: does the matrix show a periodic pattern?

A modified version of neOffsetArray


A modified version of neOffsetArray to deal with the added features of the hhh4lag class.


  pars = coefW(object),
  subset = object$control$subset

Data set on norovirus gastroenteritis in Bremen and Lower Saxony


Case counts of norovirus gastroenteritis in the German states of Bremen and Lower Saxony, 2011-2017; stored as an sts object

Case counts of rotavirus gastroenteritis in the German states of Bremen and Lower Saxony, 2011-2017; stored as an sts object

Case counts of campylobacteriosis in the German states of Bremen and Lower Saxony, 2011-2017; stored as an sts object

Case counts of norovirus gastroenteritis in the twelve districts of Berlin, Germany, 2011-2017; stored as an sts object

Case counts of rotavirus gastroenteritis in the twelve districts of Berlin, Germany, 2011-2017; stored as an sts object


Johannes Bracher


Surveillance counts retrieved from SurvStat@RKI 2.0 service (, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin as of 30 May 2017.

Surveillance counts retrieved from SurvStat@RKI 2.0 service (, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin as of 30 May 2017.

Surveillance counts retrieved from SurvStat@RKI 2.0 service (, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin as of 30 May 2017.

Surveillance counts retrieved from SurvStat@RKI 2.0 service (, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin.

Surveillance counts retrieved from SurvStat@RKI 2.0 service (, Robert Koch Institute, Berlin.

Numerical evaluation of the covariance matrix including the additional parameter par_lg


Numerical evaluation of the covariance matrix including the additional parameter par_lg





an hhh4lag object; should be generated in profile_par_lag so that the par_lag parameter is already optimized.

Predictive Model Assessment for hhh4_lag Models


A version of surveillance::oneStepAhead for hhh4_lag objects. NOTE: by default the lag_par parameter is not re-fit in this function!


  type = c("rolling", "first", "final"),
  refit_par_lag = FALSE,
  which.start = c("current", "final"),
  keep.estimates = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  cores = 1



Only new argument compared to surveillance:oneStepAhead: should the lag weighting parameter lag_par be re-fitted in each iteration? Defaults to FALSE.

Plot predictive or stationary moments by unit


Plot negative binomial approximation of predictive or stationary distributions. Usually to be used with aggregated predictions (where columns correspond to regions or age groups; no temporal structure kept).


  probs = 1:99/100,
  add_observed = TRUE,
  add_pred_means = TRUE,
  fan.col = colorRampPalette(c("darkgreen", "gray90")),
  pt.col = "red",
  pt.cex = 0.3,
  mean_col = "black",
  mean_lty = "dashed",
  ln = NULL,
  rlab = NULL,
  style = "boxfan",
  space = 0.5,
  add_legend = FALSE,
  probs_legend = c(1, 25, 50, 75, 99)/100,
  ylim = NULL,
  main = NULL,
  xlab = NULL,
  las = NULL,
  axes = TRUE,



an object of class predictive_moments_hhh4 or stationary_moments_hhh4, usually an aggregated prediction without temporal structure (aggregated using aggregate_prediction)


probabilities displayed in fanplot (passed to fanplot::fan)


should obseved values be added to the plot?


color palette for fanplot (passed to fanplot::fan)

pt.col, pt.cex

point color and size for observations

mean_col, mean_lty

line color and type for predictive/stationary means

ln, rlab, style, space

additional arguments passed to fanplot::fan)


should a legend with the colour coding be added?


probabilities to be displayed in the legend

ylim, main, xlab, las, axes

usual plotting parameters


# load data:

# fit a bivariate model:
controlBL <- list(end = list(f = addSeason2formula(~ -1 + fe(1, unitSpecific = TRUE))),
                  ar = list(f = ~ -1 + fe(1, unitSpecific = TRUE)),
                  ne = list(f = ~ -1 + fe(1, unitSpecific = TRUE)),
                  family = "NegBinM", subset = 2:260) # not a very parsimonious parametrization, but feasible
fitBL <- hhh4(noroBL, control = controlBL)
pred_mom <- predictive_moments(fitBL, t_condition = 260, lgt = 52, return_Sigma = TRUE)
# Sigma is required in order to aggregate predictions.

# perform an aggregation over time: total burden in the two regions
aggr_matr_total_burden <- matrix(rep(c(1, 0, 0, 1), 52), nrow = 2,
                                 dimnames = list(c("Bremen", "Lower Saxony"),
pred_mom_total_burden <- aggregate_moments(pred_mom, aggr_matr_total_burden)
plot_moments_by_unit(pred_mom_total_burden, main = "Total burden 2016", add_legend = TRUE)

simple plot of one-step-ahead forecasts


simple plot of one-step-ahead forecasts


## S3 method for class 'oneStepAhead'
plot(x, unit = 1, probs = 1:99/100, start = NULL, means.args = NULL, ...)

Function to obtain Poisson weights This function generates Poisson weights which are subsequently used inside of get_weighted_lags. To be passed to hhh4_lag or profile_par_lag as the control$funct_lag argument.


Function to obtain Poisson weights This function generates Poisson weights which are subsequently used inside of get_weighted_lags. To be passed to hhh4_lag or profile_par_lag as the control$funct_lag argument.


poisson_lag(par_lag, min_lag, max_lag)



a parameter to steer the lag structure, here log(μ)log(\mu) where μ\mu is the parameter of the Poisson distribution characterizing the lag structure; see details of hhh4lag or profile_par_lag.


smallest lag to include; the support of the Poisson form starts only at min_lag. Defaults to 1.


highest lag to include; higher lags are cut off and he remaining weights standardized. Defaults to 5.

Analytical computation of predictive moments for an hhh4 model


This functions calculates the predictive mean vector and covariance matrix for a path forecast from an hhh4 model.


  return_Sigma = FALSE,
  return_cov_array = FALSE,
  return_mu_decomposed = FALSE,
  return_M = FALSE



an hhh4 object


the index of the week on which to condition the path forecast, i.e. an integer between 1 and nrow(hhh4Obj$stsObj@observed). If you need forecasts beyond the end of your observed time series you need to artificially prolong the sts object used by adding NA values to the end.


the length of the path forecast, i.e. 52 for forecasting an entire season when using weekly data


logical: should the entire variance-covariance matrix of the forecast be returned? defaults to FALSE in order to save storage.


logical: should an array with week-wise covariance matrices be returned?


logical: should an array with the predictive means decomposed into the different components be returned?


logical: should the matrix M containing the predictive first and (un-centered) second moments be returned?


An object of class predictive_moments_hhh4 containing the following components:

  • mu_matrix A matrix containing the predictive means. Each row corresponds to a time period and each column to a unit.

  • var_matrix A matrix containing the predictive variances.

  • cov_array An array containing time period-wise variance-covariance matrices.

  • mu_vector as mu_matrix, but flattened into a vector.

  • Sigma a large covariance matrix for all elements of the prediction (corresponding to mu_vector)

  • M a matrix containing predictive means and (un-centered) second moments, specifically E(c(1, X) shall be forecasted. Important in the internal calculation, accessible mainly for de-bugging purposes.

  • mu_decomposed an array with the same number of rows and columns as mu_matrix, but three layers corresponding to the contributions of the three components to the means

  • start the index (in the original sts object) of the first time period of the prediction

  • freq the length of a cycle

  • n_units the number of units covered in the prediction

  • timepoints the timepoints covered by the prediction etc.

  • timepoints as timepoints, but calendar time rather than indices

  • condition A matrix containing the realizations for the conditioning time period (or periods)

  • realizations_matrix A matrix containing the realizations that have materialized in the period covered by the prediction.

  • type "predictive"; to distinguish from stationary moments.

  • has_temporal_structure does the object still have the original temporal structure? can be set to FALSE when aggregated using aggregate_prediction.


# convert old "disProg" to new "sts" data class:
salmonella <- disProg2sts(salmonella.agona)
control_salmonella <- list(end = list(f = addSeason2formula(~ 1), lag = 1),
                           ar = list(f = addSeason2formula(~ 1), lag = 1),
                           family = "NegBinM", subset = 6:250)
fit_salmonella <- hhh4_lag(salmonella, control_salmonella) # fit model
# obtain prediction:
pred_mom <- predictive_moments(fit_salmonella, t_condition = 250, lgt = 52)
fanplot_prediction(pred_mom, add = TRUE) # add fan plot

A modified version of surveillance::print.hhh4


A modified version of surveillance::print.hhh4 to deal with the added features of the hhh4lag class.


## S3 method for class 'hhh4lag'
print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)

A modified version of print.summary.hhh4


A modified version of print.summary.hhh4 to deal with the added features of the hhh4lag class.


## S3 method for class 'summary.hhh4lag'
print(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)

Estimating the lag decay parameter of an hhh4_lag model using profile likelihood


Wrapper around hhh4_lag to allow for profile likelihood estimation of the scalar parameter governing the lag structure. hhh4_lag can fit models with fixed lag decay parameter; profile_par_lag re-fits the model for different values of par_lag and finds the optimal value. See ?hhh4_lag for details. NOTE: fit_par_lag serves essentially the same purpose, but is based on a grid of potential values for par_lag rather than optimization using optim. profile_par_lag is the recommended option, but fit_par_lag may be somethat quicker for complex models.


  start_par_lag = NULL,
  lower_par_lag = -10,
  upper_par_lag = 10,
  return_full_cov = FALSE,
  reltol_par_lag = 1e-08,
  check.analyticals = FALSE


stsObj, control, check.analyticals

As in surveillance::hhh4, but control allows for some additional arguments in order to specify a distributed lag structure:

  • funct_lag Function to compute the lag weights uqu_q (see details) depending on a scalar parameter par_lag. The function has to take the following arguments:

    • par_lag A scalar parameter to steer uqu_q. It should be specified in a way which allows it to take any value in the real numbers

    • min_lag,max_lag Minimum and maximum lags; e.g. min_lag = 3, max_lag = 6 will assign all weights to lags 3 through 6. Usually min_lag is set to 1, higher values can be useful for direct forecasting at higher horizons.

  • min_lag, max_lag Specification of the arguments passed to funct_lag to compute the distributed lags. Unlike in hhh4_lag, par_lag is not to be specified as it is estimated from the data. Important: the first element of the subset argument in control needs to be larger than max_lag (as for the first max_lag observations the fitted values canot be computed)


A starting value for par_lag

lower_par_lag, upper_par_lag

lower and upper limits for the value of par_lag; defaults to -10, 10


logical: should the full covariance matrix of the parameter estimates (including par_lag) be obtained numerically?


the relative tolerance passed to the optim call to identify par_lag


The standard hhh4 function only allows for models with first lags i.e. of the form

muit=λitXi,t1+ϕitj!=iwjiXj,t1+νit,mu_{it} = \lambda_{it}X_{i, t - 1} + \phi_{it}\sum_{j != i}w_{ji}X_{j, t - 1} + \nu_{it},

see ?hhh4. The extension hhh4_lag allows to specify models of the form

muit=λitq=1QuqXi,tq+ϕitjisumq=1QwjiuqXj,tq+νit.mu_{it} = \lambda_{it}\sum_{q= 1}^Q u_q X_{i, t - q} + \phi_{it}\sum_{j\neq i}sum_{q= 1}^Q w_{ji}u_q X_{j, t - q} + \nu_{it}.

Here the first lags are now replaced by weighted sums of the Q previous observations. The weights u_q, q = 1, ..., Q sum up to 1 and need to be parametrizable by a single scalar parameter. The value of this parameter needs to be passed as control$par_lag. Moreover, a function to obtain a vector of weights from par_lag needs to be provided in control$funct_lag. Currently several such functions are implemented in the package:

  • Geometric lags (function geometric_lag; the default). These are specified as

    u0q=α(1α)q1u0_q = \alpha * (1 - \alpha)^{q - 1}

    and uq=u0q/sumq=1Qu0qu_q = u0_q / sum_{q = 1}^Q u0_q for q=1,...,Qq = 1, ..., Q. The par_lag parameter corresponds to logit(α\alpha), i.e. the un-normalized weight of the first lag.

  • Poisson lags (function poisson_lag). These are specified as

    u0q=α(q1)exp(α)/(q1)!,u0_q = \alpha^(q - 1)\exp(-\alpha)/(q - 1)!,

    and uq=u0q/sumq=1Qu0qu_q = u0_q / sum_{q = 1}^Q u0_q for q=1,...,Qq = 1, ..., Q. Note that he Poisson distribution is shifted by one to achieve a positive support. The par_lag parameter corresponds to log(α\alpha).

  • Linearly decaying weights (in function linear_lag). These are specified as

    u0q=max(1mq,0)u0_q = max(1 - mq, 0)

    and uq=u0q/sumq=1Qu0qu_q = u0_q / sum_{q = 1}^Q u0_q for q=1,...,Qq = 1, ..., Q. The par_lag parameter corresponds to logit(mm).

  • A weighting only between first and second lags (in function ar2lag), i.e.

    u1=α,u2=1α.u_1 = \alpha, u_2 = 1 - \alpha.

    The par_lag parameter corresponds to logit(α\alpha).

  • Unrestricted lag can be fitted using unrestricted_lag. These are parameterized via a multinomial logit transformation where the first lag is the reference category.

  • Discretized log-normal lags are implemented in log_normal_lag, see details there.

Users can specify their own weighting functions as long as they take the arguments described above and return a vector of weights.


If return_full_cov == FALSE: an hhh4_lag object. If return_full_cov == TRUE A list with two elements: best_mod is the hhh4_lag fit for the best value of par_lag; cov is an extended covariance matrix for the regression parameters which also includes par_lag.

See Also

hhh4_lag for fitting models with fixed par_lag; fit_par_lag for grid-based optimization.


## a simple univariate example:
## convert old "disProg" to new "sts" data class
salmonella <- disProg2sts(salmonella.agona)
# specify and fit model: fixed geometric lag structure
control_salmonella <- list(end = list(f = addSeason2formula(~ 1)),
                           ar = list(f = addSeason2formula(~ 1)),
                           family = "NegBinM", subset = 6:312)
fit_salmonella <- profile_par_lag(salmonella, control_salmonella)
# 0.56 on first lag
# re-fit with Poisson lags:
control_salmonella2 <- control_salmonella
control_salmonella2$funct_lag = poisson_lag
fit_salmonella2 <- profile_par_lag(salmonella, control_salmonella2)
# leads to somewhat different decay and very slightly better AIC

A modified version of psi2size.hhh4


A modified version of psi2size.hhh4 to deal with the added features of the hhh4lag class. Extracts estimated overdispersion in dnbinom() parametrization (and as matrix)


psi2size.hhh4lag(object, subset = object$control$subset, units = NULL)

quantiles of the one-step-ahead forecasts


quantiles of the one-step-ahead forecasts


## S3 method for class 'oneStepAhead'
quantile(x, probs = c(2.5, 10, 50, 90, 97.5)/100, ...)

A modified version of ranef.hhh4


A modified version of ranef.hhh4


## S3 method for class 'hhh4lag'
ranef(object, tomatrix = FALSE, intercept = FALSE, ...)

A modified version of residuals.hhh4


A modified version of residuals.hhh4 to deal with the added features of the hhh4lag class. Computes deviance residuals.


## S3 method for class 'hhh4lag'
residuals(object, type = c("deviance", "response"), ...)

Simulate "hhh4_lag" Count Time Series


This function is the equivalent of surveillance::simulate.hhh4 for model fits of class hhh4lag, obtained from hhh4_lag or profile_par_lag. The arguments are the same as in surveillance::simulate.hhh4, the only difference being that y.start needs to be a matrix with object$control$max_lag rows and object$nUnit columns.


## S3 method for class 'hhh4lag'
  nsim = 1,
  seed = NULL,
  y.start = NULL,
  subset = 1:nrow(object$stsObj),
  coefs = coef(object),
  components = c("ar", "ne", "end"),
  simplify = nsim > 1,


This function is still being tested!!!

Analytic calculation of periodically stationary moments implied by a hhh4-model


Returns the mean vector and covariance matrix of the periodically stationary distribution implied by an hhh4 object.


  start = 1,
  n_seasons = 1,
  return_Sigma = FALSE,
  return_cov_array = FALSE,
  return_mu_decomposed = FALSE,
  return_M = FALSE,
  max.iter = 10,
  tolerance = 1e-05



hhh4 object for which to calculate stationary moments


start of the season


number of


logical: return entire variance/covariance matrix of the prediction; can take a lot of storage


logical: return an array containing week-wise covariance matrices


logical: return an array containing a decomposition of stationary means into the three components endemic, epi.own and epi.others.


logical: return the array M containing un-centered second moments (used internally for calculations)


maximum number of iterations before iterative algorithm stops


element-wise maximum tolerance (entering into termination criterion for the iterative calculation)


An object of class stationary_moments_hhh4 containing the following components:

  • mu_matrix A matrix containing the stationary means. Each row corresponds to a time period and each column to a unit.

  • var_matrix A matrix containing the stationary variances.

  • cov_array An array containing time period-wise variance-covariance matrices.

  • mu_vector as mu_matrix, but flattened into a vector.

  • Sigma a large covariance matrix for all elements of the prediction (corresponding to mu_vector)

  • M a matrix containing stationary means and (un-centered) second moments, specifically E(c(1, X) Important in the internal calculation, accessible mainly for de-bugging purposes.

  • mu_decomposed an array with the same number of rows and columns as mu_matrix, but three layers corresponding to the contributions of the three components to the means

  • start the position (within a cycle) of the time period to which the first elements of mu_matrix etc. correspond (i.e. the start argument from the call of stationary_moments)

  • freq the length of a cycle

  • n_seasons the number of seasons covered in mu_matrix etc.

  • n_units the number of units covered in the prediction

  • timepoints the positions within a cycle of the timepoints covered by mu_matrix etc.

  • condition NULL. Only relevant in predictive moments, just a place holder here.

  • type "stationary"; to distinguish from predictive moments.

  • has_temporal_structure does the object still have the original temporal structure? can be set to FALSE when aggregated using aggregate_prediction.


## convert old "disProg" to new "sts" data class
salmonella <- disProg2sts(salmonella.agona)
# specify and fit model
control_salmonella <- list(end = list(f = addSeason2formula(~ 1), lag = 1),
                           ar = list(f = addSeason2formula(~ 1), lag = 1),
                           family = "NegBinM")
fit_salmonella <- hhh4(salmonella, control_salmonella)
# obtain periodically stationary moments:
stat_mom <- stationary_moments(fit_salmonella)
# plot periodically stationary means:
# add paths of the six seasons in the data set:
for(i in 0:5){
 lines(1:52/52, salmonella@observed[(i*52 + 1):((i + 1)*52)], col = "blue")
legend("topleft", col = "blue", lty = 1, legend = "observed seasons")

A modified version of surveillance::summary.hhh4


A modified version of surveillance::summary.hhh4 to deal with the added features of the hhh4lag class.


## S3 method for class 'hhh4lag'
summary(object, maxEV = FALSE, ...)

A modified version of terms.hhh4


A modified version of terms.hhh4 to deal with the added features of the hhh4lag class.


## S3 method for class 'hhh4lag'
terms(x, ...)

Function to obtain unrestricted lags


This function generates QQ lag weights without a parametric constraint. The weights are obtained via a multinomial logit transformation where the first lag is the reference category.


unrestricted_lag(par_lag, min_lag, max_lag)



the parameter vector of length Q1Q - 1


smallest lag to include; the support of the Poisson form starts only at min_lag. Defaults to 1.


highest lag to include; higher lags are cut off and he remaining weights standardized. Defaults to 5.

A modified version of update.hhh4


A modified version of update.hhh4 to deal with the added features of the hhh4lag class. Note that the lag weights are not re-estimated!


## S3 method for class 'hhh4lag'
  refit_par_lag = TRUE,
  S = NULL,
  subset.upper = NULL,
  use.estimates = object$convergence,
  evaluate = TRUE,
  warning_weights = TRUE